ANIMAL NUTRITION (Digestive system)
Short answer type questions Q1. Name two bile pigments. Ans. Biliveridin and bilirubin. Q2. Name two enzymes which take part in the digestion of proteins in our body. Ans. Pepsin, Trypsin. Q3. How is fat digested in the humans? Ans. By the activity of the enzymes lipases. Q4. State one function of each of the following in human body: i) Vitamin A ii) Vitamin C iii) Vitamin D iv) Vitamin K Ans. i) Vitamin A: Controla normal epithelial structure and growth; essential for the formation of the visual pigment rhodospin, which aids night vision. ii) Vitamin C: Concerned with the metabolism of connective tissue and the production of strong skin, essential for collagen synthesis. iii) Vitamin D: Controls calcium and phosphorus metabolism, important in bone and tooth formation. iv) Vitamin K: Essential for prothrombin synthesis in the liver, a necessary factor for the blood-clotting mechanism. Q5. State the one importance an...